Unusual and very tasty egg casserole Henrietta

Unusual and very tasty egg casserole Henrietta

Recipe for a delicious Henrietta egg casserole

Often, early in the morning, we get up and wonder what we should have for breakfast without spending a lot of time cooking, but at the same time eat deliciously, so as not to feel hungry all day long. Scrambled eggs and sandwiches have already become so banal that you simply no longer want to eat anything, but even look at them, because they have been stuffed with them since childhood.

In this case, I can advise you a quite practical, but at the same time delicious dish from the simplest ingredients, namely an egg casserole called Henrietta.

Для ее приготовления нам понадобятся:
два куриных яйца,
лук репчатый одна головка,
сыр любой (желательно пармезан)
грибы шампиньоны,

At the very beginning, pour sunflower oil into the pan and wait for it to heat up, you should not spare the oil for this casserole.

delicious egg casserole

While the butter is heating, break two chicken eggs into a large bowl, crumble the bread to taste, grate the cheese.

delicious egg casserole

Put the previously chopped onions and mushrooms in a frying pan and begin to fry, meanwhile, beating two eggs, bread and cheese in a bowl until a uniform mash, salt to taste. When the onion and the mushrooms are fried, pour the egg mash into a frying pan and mix it all with the onions and mushrooms during the frying process.

delicious egg casserole

По вкусу можно добавить помидоры. Все наше с вами блюдо готово, вкусное и питательное. способное дать вам поток энергии на весь день.

Enjoy your meal!

delicious egg casserole