Anyone who has spent at least a couple of years at the computer is familiar with back pain, arm pain, and headache. But the eyes suffer the most. Many people have probably noticed that after several hours of work, concentration of vision is impaired. This type of activity can lead to the development of myopia. For this, special protective glasses were invented. They can have a golden or gray color coating. Thanks to them, the contrast of the picture increases, thus relieving increased strain on the eyes. The selection of such glasses should be carried out by an ophthalmologist, since first it is necessary to determine the state of vision.
Перечень полезных рекомендаций для всех,
кто подолгу сидит у компьютера!
- Ухаживайте за экраном компьютера – регулярно протирайте его. Это будет не только радовать глаз, но и создаст чёткое изображение на экране. Работа за компьютером в вечернее время должна быть с включённым светом. Ведь это равносильно, если вы будете читать книгу под одеялом с фонариком.
- It is very important that the screen is located on the side of the window. It is not desirable if the windows are in front of the screen or behind.
- Настольная лампа должна светить так, чтобы свет от неё не попадал ни на экран монитора, ни на ваши глаза.
- Be sure to visit a doctor and replace all the drugs used that provoke dry eye syndrome.
- Do not forget to regularly humidify the air in the room where you work at the computer.
- Three-minute breaks, every half an hour, are a prerequisite for preserving vision during such work. During this time, you can simply close your eyes or look somewhere in the distance.
There are moisturizing drops that replace tears. They moisturize the eyes and protect them from drying out, as well as from the effects of external factors. There are plenty of tear substitutes today. They are divided into two categories.
Some are characterized by a fairly long action of protection. These include: oftagel and vidisk.
Другие же предоставляют защиту всего на несколько часов, поэтому их применяют несколько раз в день. Самыми популярными из них являются: лакрисин и лакрисифи. Частота их применения зависит от необходимости в увлажнении глаз.
All these drugs can also be used for prevention. If they do not give any effect, then everything is much more serious. In this case, there may be a problem with the conjunctiva and cornea. Here you need the intervention of a doctor.
Eye gymnastics helps very well. It consists in frequent blinking, shifting the gaze from close objects to distant ones, and vice versa. Close your eyes more often at every opportunity.