Every housewife has at least once faced a difficult question: what to cook for a festive or just dinner table? Almost all light dishes, the recipes of which we inherited from our grandmothers and mothers, are overtried and boring. But what if you try something new? Appetizers are a light, unobtrusive dish that can be easily and quickly prepared when guests or household arrive at any moment. The right snack should not completely saturate a hungry person, but at the same time give an opportunity to be interested, and what do we have first? Original and but at the same time give an opportunity to be interested They will be a great help for you as a kind of aperitif. The latter will not kill a healthy appetite, but will set the guest in the right mood. New Year's salads, закуска должна быть не только простой, но и каждый раз необычной. Красиво оформленная еда раздразнит азартный аппетит и обострит чувство голода, одновременно сделав акцент на желании попробовать все, что радушная хозяйка принесет на первое.
The tradition of Slavic hospitality and cuisine provides for the immediate invitation of any welcome guest from the doorstep directly to the table. To brighten up the wait for the remaining guests, light and casual cold dishes were served. These were mainly sauerkraut, soaked apples, pickles and marinades. After a while, the appetizers were joined by the honorary vinaigrette, which became a pioneer for modern salads in the world of interesting appetizers.
Numerous culinary literature contains a lot of secrets of simple cooking, can help you secure the glory of a woman who will find the right and unobtrusive way to the heart of not only a man, but also any person fed by her. Meat, fish, vegetable snacks and interesting sandwiches are light meals that can be easily and simply prepared, giving it an unusual and amazing taste. A good collection of snacks for every fastidious gourmet is the pride of a real hostess. Cold and hot appetizers are an integral part of any full meal, and festive and interestingly made light dishes will be the first to recommend a sumptuous dinner to a guest. Even the most mundane products can create a real work of culinary art that will not disappoint anyone.