▷ Opening hours, Tel – Dorel Dental Clinic (Holon). Holon, Rabinovich, 11, merkaz Sadab

▷ Opening hours, Tel – Dorel Dental Clinic (Holon). Holon, Rabinovich, 11, merkaz Sadab

▷ Here you will find complete information: Opening hours, telephone, address, Med. Centers, Health Insurance Funds, Dentists, Dental Centers, Medical Specialists, Clinics, Medical Institutions in Israel.

Стоматологическая клиника “Дорель” (Холон). Холон, Рабинович, д. 11, мерказ Садаб


Холон, Рабинович, д. 11, мерказ Садаб

Сеть стоматологических клиник «Дорель» и круглосуточная неотложная помощь зубного врача

Dr. George Dorel has 18 years of experience in dental practice. As a major specialist, he is a member of the American Israel Dental Implant Association. Needless to say, George knows how not only to choose the best equipment and the most effective materials for his clinic, but also to use them comprehensively.

Что для пациента главное?
Чтобы его проблемы с зубами были решены на самом высоком уровне. В стоматологической клинике «Дорель» именно этому подчинены все врачебные методики.

The process begins with a computerized examination of the oral cavity using the most advanced technologies - miniature video cameras inserted into the oral cavity.
The patient, seeing what is happening, participates in the study and has the opportunity to personally assess the condition of his teeth and follow the treatment process.

The same can be said about the state-of-the-art digital X-ray unit used at the Dorel Clinic, which reduces radiation by almost 95% compared to conventional X-ray systems.
Such devices make it easier to detect damage to teeth, fillings and tooth roots. Naturally, the accuracy of the treatment plan increases and the percentage of successfully performed procedures increases significantly.

Yes, George Dorel gives you a guarantee of treatment and prosthetics with the best results. And what is also important - by gentle methods.

Dr. Dorel's clinic also meets the highest standards in the field of aesthetic oral care. This side of a truly high professional attitude to their work is combined with the warmest welcome of patients who come to the clinic, an individual approach to each client, an atmosphere of calm and security.

Dorel Dental Clinic has branches in the cities of Holon and Rishon LeZion, each department carries out computer examinations, aesthetic procedures, and restoration of oral cavity functions.

Here is a list of services provided by the Dorel network of dental clinics:

removable and non-removable structures
Oral and jaw surgery
Dentures, crowns and bridges
Improving the aesthetics of teeth and oral cavity
teeth whitening
oral hygiene
пломбирование зубов и лечение корней зубов
лечение и операции на деснах
ортодонтия-исправление прикуса и выпрямление зубов по новейшим технологиям
bone implantation and lifting of the maxillary sinus floor
Dental services for children
In urgent cases and in case of unbearable toothache, you can contact us at any time – 24 hours a day!

Наши клиенты довольны, получая наилучшее профессиональное обслуживание по очень привлекательным ценам.

Возможна оплата по частям – до 72 платежей через постоянное указание банку (ораат кева).

Помощь в экстренных случаях 24 часа в сутки.