Roast beef with crust, with vegetables

Roast beef with crust, with vegetables

Roast beef is a dish of English cuisine, which is a whole piece of fried and baked beef (tenderloin or thick edge). Cook until medium-rare or with blood (medium gage). In England, it is traditionally served with beer. As a side dish, you can offer vegetables - fried, stewed, stewed, grilled.

Cooking time:
45 minutes. Servings: 4.
Ingredients needed to cook roast beef:
800 gr. beef (fillet, you need to take a thick boneless edge),
100 gr. French mustard (cereal),
100 gr. breadcrumbs,
15 drops of Worcestershire sauce,
fresh basil (optional),
pickled pearl onions (optional),
olive oil
A mixture of peppers, 3-4 sprigs of thyme, two star anise, coarse sea salt.
Garnish: one carrot, one head of red onion, 3-4 cloves of garlic, 6-8 cherry tomatoes.

Chef's tip.

Процесс запечатывания (зашивания) обязателен при любом способе готовки мясных блюд. Корочка на поверхности позволяет удержать в толще мяса максимальное количество соков и сохранить мясо сочным. Независимо от того, планируете ли вы делать стейки на сковороде, запекать буженину или ростбиф, готовить гуляш или мясо в горшочках, не забывайте предварительно зашить кусочки на раскаленной сковороде. После приготовления блюда из цельного куска мяса обязательно оставляют доходить в теплом месте или подслоем фольги.

Roast beef with mustard

Cooking roast beef with a crust with vegetables.

1. First of all, you need to wash the fillet. Next, peel the meat from films, let it dry - this will avoid splashes during the frying process, and the crust will set as quickly as possible.
2. Now heat a pan with a thick bottom, add a little vegetable oil, fry the meat for 3 minutes on each side until a good crust is formed.
3. After that, wash the carrots, onions, cherry tomatoes. Let dry. Then cut the carrots into large bars, you can even do this without peeling if the vegetables are young.
4. Now you should cut the onion into six slices, also directly in the skin, removing only the driest husk. Baked vegetables are the perfect example of a side dish for roast beef.
5. Next, you need to put vegetables and garlic in a bowl. Also add salt, olive oil, Worcestershire sauce, star anise, thyme, fresh basil, and pearl onions.
6. Put the roast beef on top, salt and pepper and place for 20 minutes in an oven preheated to 170 ° C.
7. Now you need to prepare the mustard crust; 50 ml. of olive oil should be mixed with mustard and breadcrumbs.
8. Finally, put the resulting gruel on the roast beef in a layer of 0.5 cm. Send to bake in the oven for 10 minutes. After all that has been done, you should take it out, let the meat rise for about 7-10 minutes. Cut into portions 1.5-2 cm thick.