Вкусный и полезный рецепт фаршированных помидор, это блюдо правильного питания, идеально подойдет для легкого низкокалорийного ужина!
The recipe for stuffed tomatoes is designed for two people!
- 6 tomatoes
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 2 ст. ложки оливково масла
- two small zucchini
- 240 грамм куриного филе, грудинка
- 20 грамм пармезана, так же подайдет любой другой сыр
- salt, pepper to taste
- Dill
The recipe for stuffed tomatoes is designed for two persons.
- Отделяем внутренность помидор,
- Finely chop the onion, garlic and zucchini, as well as the rest of the tomato.
- Stew the vegetables in olive oil for about 15 minutes,
- While the vegetables are stewing, grind the chicken breast, then add it to the vegetables in a frying pan, mix everything thoroughly, salt and pepper to taste.
- Fill the tomatoes with the resulting roasted vegetables and chicken fillet, put pre-grated Parmesan cheese on top, put it in the oven for 15 - 20 minutes, at a temperature of 185 degrees.
- Сверху посыпаем укропом.
put in the oven to bake
фаршированных помидор правильного питания.
Delicious, healthy! Enjoy yourselves!