Healthy bread, baguette with bran

Healthy bread, baguette with bran

Испечь дома хлеб совсем не трудно, а если в рецептуру добавить отруби, то выпечка получится не только гораздо вкуснее магазинной, но еще и полезной. Не забудьте привлечь к процессу детей, ведь им так нравится возиться с тестом!

Healthy bran bread recipe

To cook 6 baguettes, take the following amount of products:

  • 320 ml of drinking water, a dessertspoon of salt and sugar,
  • 270 grams of high-grade wheat flour,
  • 180 grams of first-grade flour,
  • 12 tbsp. small bran,
  • 40 grams of butter,
  • 1.5 tsp dry fast-acting yeast.
  1. Pour warm water (38 degrees) into a container, add granulated sugar and salt, throw a piece of butter.
  2. Stir until the ingredients are completely dissolved.
  3. Gradually add both types of flour and baking yeast, mix carefully again.
  4. Cover the bowl with the dough with a piece of cloth or a kitchen towel, put it away for an hour in a warm place (you can put it next to the radiator).
  5. Divide the dough into 6 equal segments, from which form baguettes.
  6. Moisten each product with lightly salted water, sprinkle bran on top.
  7. На лист противня постелите пекарскую бумагу (пергамент) глянцевой стороной вверх, смажьте жиром.
  8. Put the baguettes on the prepared surface and make 3 diagonal cuts on each of them with a sharp knife blade.
  9. Bake in a hot oven at 190 degrees for 35 minutes.
  10. Переложите дымящиеся багеты на решетку, накройте тканью, дайте остынуть.
  11. Cut the baguette lengthwise into two parts, heartily grease each with butter or your favorite jam and enjoy fragrant and crispy pastries.

bran bun recipe