We all know such a disease as hemorrhoids. Its victim can be both a young mother and a courageous truck driver. Therefore, in order not to suffer with the treatment of this painful disease, it is best to prevent it. Sedentary work is the best friend of hemorrhoids. Therefore, if you are forced to sit by occupation, then try to take a break for 5-10 minutes at least once an hour and spend it not on a smoke break, but on active exercise, make the blood run. Also, in the gym or at home, strengthen your abdominal and abdominal muscles. For women in labor, this is also good because the birth will be faster and easier, for everyone else it will provide blood flow to the lower part and pelvic area.
At a sedentary job, do not choose a comfortable soft chair in which you are drowning, it is better to give preference to a hard chair. In any case, and without a break, sitting at work, you can do a number of simple exercises. The whole point is to tense the muscles of the buttocks and anus. So by sitting and performing your direct duties, you are already stimulating blood circulation in the intestine. In addition, to prevent hemorrhoids, you need to monitor what you eat and the quality of your stool. It should be a homogeneous mass, not constipation or diarrhea. If you are still constipated, you can try to use mild posterizan suppositories, but do not abuse, but it is better to reconsider what you eat. There should be no lunches in a hurry. A sufficient amount of fiber, fruits, vegetables. Alcohol is also contraindicated for those who do not want to let hemorrhoids into their lives.