▷ Hours of operation, Tel - Maccabi (Rehovot, Har HaTsofim St). Rehovot, Har HaTsofim St, d. 17

▷ Hours of operation, Tel - Maccabi (Rehovot, Har HaTsofim St). Rehovot, Har HaTsofim St, d. 17

▷ Here you will find complete information: Opening hours, telephone, address, Med. Centers, Health Insurance Funds, Dentists, Dental Centers, Medical Specialists, Clinics, Medical Institutions in Israel.

Маккаби (Реховот, Har HaTsofim St). Реховот, Har HaTsofim St, д. 17


Реховот, Har HaTsofim St, д. 17

Polyclinic of Maccabi Health Insurance Fund in Rehovot

Working hours:

Sunday from 8-00 to 12-00and from 16-00 to 19-00

Понедельник с 8-00 до 12-00 и с 16-00 до19-00

Tuesday with 8-00 to 12-00

Wednesdayс 16-00 до19-00

Четверг с 8-00 до 12-00 и с 16-00 до19-00

Friday from 8-00 to 12-00