Kitchen tips for all occasions

Kitchen tips for all occasions

Kitchen subtleties, on which the freshness of products, as well as their taste, depends, are important knowledge that will be useful to everyone. These kitchen tips will help you save money and time

Kitchen tricks for all occasions

  1. После покупки яиц прошло некоторое время, и вы не уверены свежие они или нет? Чтобы узнать – опустите яйцо в стакан с водой. Несвежее тут же всплывет, а хорошее – утонет.
  2. Keep vegetables fresh even longer. To do this, line the box for vegetables and herbs with paper towels. They absorb moisture well and therefore the process of rotting and wilting of vegetables slows down significantly.
  3. If you only need a couple of drops of lemon juice for your dish, you don't have to cut the fruit. It is enough to pierce it with a small skewer and squeeze out the required amount of juice.
  4. You can pack fresh herbs in plastic containers and freeze them. Kitchen tip before freezing - dry the greens.
  5. Insects will never get into a jar of flour or rice if you put a few bay leaves in a container with food. This will not affect the taste.
  6. Before putting the mushrooms in the refrigerator, wrap them in paper napkins or towels - this will rid them of mucus.
  7. Ваши кексы затвердели? С брызните их водой, оберните в бумажные пакет, и отправьте на пару секунд в микроволоновку или духовку. Пар быстро размягчит вчерашнюю выпечку.
  8. To prevent the cheese from drying out, forming an unpleasant hard crust, spread the cut surface with margarine or butter. This method will help retain moisture inside the product.
  9. Хитрость, которая восстановит хрустящие овощи. Морковь, редис, сельдерей немного увяли и перестали хрустеть? Возьмите кусок сырой картошки, опустите ее в емкость с очень холодной водой. Туда же опустите овощи, которым нужно вернуть свежесть.
  10. Чтобы бананы не темнели – не храните их по отдельности, то есть – отрывайте по одному банану от связки, когда решите съесть фрукт.
  11. Засахаренный мед можно «вернуть к жизни», просто разогрев его в микроволновой печи в течение 30-40 секунд на средней мощности.
  12. Oversalted soup can be "fixed" by adding pieces of raw apple or potatoes to the soup. After that, you need to boil the soup for about 10 minutes and remove the potatoes from the broth. If this does not help, use kitchen tips in the old grandmother's way of "wedge wedge" - add a spoonful of sugar to the soup. If your soup is so salty that this method did not help, splash a little vinegar in a saucepan (only apple cider vinegar). And this did not save the oversalted soup? Add water and cook it a little more. If you don't want to dilute with water, add vegetable, meat or mushroom broth.