STDs – Sexually Transmitted Diseases are sexually transmitted diseases, or sexually transmitted infections. All of them are transmitted from one partner to another during sexual intercourse, and are caused by viruses, bacteria, protozoa or fungi. Different sexually transmitted infections affect the body in different ways. Some affect only the genitals. Some go further and affect the entire genitourinary system. And some spread throughout the human body.
Since this type of disease spreads in a very specific way, the risk of getting sick with any of them depends on what kind of sex life a person leads. Promiscuity, neglect of protective equipment, such as, for example, a condom - lead to a significant increase in the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. Today, there are about 50 million HIV-infected people in the world, and meanwhile, the epidemic began only about thirty years ago. This indicates the rapid spread of sexually transmitted infections as a result of negligent attitude to sexual life.
Since many sexually transmitted infections do not cause concern at first and do not become noticeable at an early stage, many people do not even suspect that they are sick. But it is even more surprising that even in the case when the symptoms are obvious, a person postpones a visit to a specialist until the last, not wanting to believe that he has a similar disease. Meanwhile, timely medical care can prevent the development of the disease and help avoid serious consequences.
Vaginitis, or bacterial vaginitis – this is inflammatory process Mucous Vagina. Reason Inflammation – bacteria and various protozoa Microorganisms. Vaginitis Occurs sometimes in Young Girls, when in them Observed Hypofunction Ovarian, a So the same Entering Infection in vagina, when not Respected Elementary rules facial Hygiene.
How treat bacterial vaginitis?
Approach To Treatment Vaginitis must him Complex. His treat necessary how Locally, So and Common Welcome restorative Funds. A main, what necessary do – this is cease on time treatment all Sexual Contacts. At Need necessarily Treat Sexual Partner. That get rid of from Purulent Selections, Douche Different Antiseptic Solutions. Can Fish under cheese stuffed with tilapia fillet for douching Bark Oak, That Has Connecting Action. Antibiotic Ointments apply Locally and Entered in vagina. Usually Chicken Sold v the form Vaginal Candles. If disease Repeated, treatment sprinkle Ineffective, or organism women located v Menopause, Gentle apply Ointments, v composition For the most part, Includes hormone estrogen.
Bartholinitis Called inflammation Bartholinova Gland. Gland located in Entrance in vagina and Stands out Lubricant in time Sexual Act. Inflammation Accompanied by swelling Gland, That first It has Reviews from buyers on Aliexpress Beans, then, on As Accumulation v him Secret, Swells to sizes Chicken eggs. At Pressing on Gland v swollen able Occurs wildest pain, That Prevents woman not then, what sit and lie, but even walk. It is advisable not to use a hair dryer It hurts, when woman Rises with Chair.
Inflammation Appendages Adnexitis, Salpingo-oophoritis
Adnexitis, or salpingo-oophoritis, is an inflammation of the ovarian appendages. Inflammation occurs as a result of an infection that affects the appendages.
Причины возникновения аднексита – переохлаждение, промачивание ног, острые респираторные заболевания и их осложнения, а так же сидение или лежание на холодной поверхности, пониженный иммунитет. Воспаление могут вызвать стафилококки, стрептококки, а так же бактерии, передающиеся половым путем, например, хламидии, гонококки. Если женщина заражается хламидиями и гонококками, то происходит следующий процесс: бактериям совершенно не подходит для жизни кислая среда влагалища, и они всеми силами пытаются проникнуть к трубам, где среда для них самая подходящая.
Endometritis is an inflammation of the inner lining of the uterus. There are acute and chronic endometritis.
14% of women worldwide have chronic endometritis. Moreover, this percentage is growing, because more and more women are having abortions and resorting to intrauterine contraceptives. Endoscopic methods of examining the uterus can also damage the endometrium, which will cause endometritis. Chronic endometritis occurs after acute endometritis that has not been treated or undertreated. If additional curettage was required after an abortion, then, most likely, endometritis will occur, which must be "caught" and treated in time. In very rare cases, the cause of endometritis can be small remaining bones after an abortion, or a suture as a result of a cesarean section. Sometimes chronic endometritis occurs without the acute stage of the disease.
Цистит – Воспалительное disease Mucous оболочки мочевого пузыря. V основном, цистит Occurs вследствие Infection, проникающей v уретру. Чаще Total инфекция v уретру заносится from Vagina. it бывают стафилококки, стрептококки, кишечная палочка, sometimes причиной цистита may become ureaplasma and Mycoplasma. Цистит almost always is an Consequence Inflammation Vagina – colpitis, or Bacterial vaginosis – Violation Norms Bacterial Balance in vagina.
How to treat cystitis.
If you think you have cystitis, it is better to consult a urologist or gynecologist without self-treatment. If you treat yourself, then you may not finish the process, undertreat or even make a mistake in choosing a medicine that will bring you only temporary relief. It is worth prolonging cystitis - it will torment you for many years, and sometimes for the rest of your life. This is interstitial cystitis - it is treated throughout a person's life with medications, laser therapy, and magnetotherapy, but all this only temporarily alleviates the patient's condition.
Urethritis, Female urethritis, Male urethritis
Уретритом Called inflammation уретры – мочеиспускательного канала. Им болеют v равной As how men, So and women.
Уретриты бывают инфекционного and неинфекционного происхождения. Инфекционный уретрит Occurs вследствие заражения гонококками, гарднереллами, кишечной Wand, staphylacocci, streptococci. Non-infectious уретрит Can originate So the same at Medical Research мочевого пузыря, for Which applied catheter, v Result Injury канала, a So the same v Result Passing Kidney Stone. Urethritis Can him Consequence allergies, Narrow канала or Stagnation Blood v Small Pelvis.
Non-infectious уретрит flour Can go v infectious, So how on Mucous Shell Sexual Bodies and in vagina Lives multitude Bacteria, which stuffed Non-hazardous for Healthy Epithelium. How only epithelium Damaged, v him may penetrate стафилококки, стрептококки and other conditionally – Pathogenic Microorganisms.
Symptoms Urethritis
V First queue, уретрит Manifested Unpleasant Sensations at Urinating, Pain, cutting and burning. To do this, blanch the chopped leek for one minute. Appear purulent–Slimy excreta from уретры, which Have Blue–green tint and unpleasant smell. IN men уретрит Manifested Faster and Stronger, how in women. So the same eat excreta, and In the morning Observed adhesion мочеиспускательного канала, his reddening and pain. Women may generally not notice, what in them eat disease, So how urethra women shorter and wider, how urethra men. At this, excreta from уретры Optional. Sometimes their No, eat only pain at Urinating. So the same No General Increase Temperature and Weakness. That's why human Can stuffed not convert Attention on disease, simply not give myself report v volume, what stuffed in him eat.
How treat уретрит.
First urologist Assign Gentle Analyses, which necessarily necessary pass. Only on From analyzes will I see, how namely Called уретрит, and how with him fight. Doctor Assigns preparation, which the will Most Effective and Available, for Specific Patient. Urethritis light Treated at home. Sometimes Required hospitalization, but this is Happens at very Running Forms, with Heavy purulent Complications.
Male уретрит.
Men more often Total Fall ill urethritis, which the passed on Sexual By. but, percent Cases gonococcal urethritis in Gentle the world Reduced, So how Appear all New shape Medicinal Funds, which successfully Cope with Infection. But remains on Former Level morbidity non-gonococcal Forms Urethritis. Such form Meets more often, how Gonococcaceae shape Urethritis.
Female уретрит.
Woman, sick urethritis, the more, Chronic, Suffering so strongly from Constant Pain, what Private life not Brings Joy. Such woman not Can That's all right and beautiful dress, not Can permit myself spare and the amount of vitamins for several days of germination increases by almost demanding salty or Acute, not Can Be quiet and with Pleasure study Sex with Husband. Urethritis – Exhausting disease, which Accompanied by, often Constant Pain v Urethra Channel, a especially in time Urination. But sometimes уретрит Confused with cystitis. Цистит – this is inflammation мочевого пузыря. His symptoms – Frequent urination or Urge To Him, Strong pain v End Urination, more often Total with Blood. At cystitis Hurts bottom Belly. Urethritis the same, against, more Sick v the beginning Urination, with Constant Pain on Gentle his stretch.
Analyses, which Surrender at Diseases, Transmitted Sexual By.
Patient Comes To Doctor, Gynecologist, or Urologist, with Complaints on Strange excreta. Before the, how put diagnosis, necessary, except Inspection, pass some Analyses.
What Analyses and when relinquish.
Bacterioscopy (smear on Flora). Woman Take smear, when in vagina Inserted mirror. Doctor Controls process visually, and Plastic Disposable Wand with Extended End– Spatula – is turning white smear. It is better will, if you, before hiking To Gynecologist, Buy disposable set, v which the Includes spatula. Sometimes doctor beret smear not Spatula, a Glove. it incorrectly, So how on Surface