How to deliciously bake river fish

How to deliciously bake river fish

Fish, without a doubt, is one of the most delicious and favorite foods, and rarely any festive and weekday table can do without it. In terms of its nutritional value and calorie content, it is not inferior to meat. And how many delicious and even exquisite dishes can be cooked - fried, stewed, boiled, steamed, stuffed, baked in foil and grilled, in salads and soups. But, often housewives know 3-4 cooking recipes and use them constantly. We would like to offer several options on how to bake river fish, which is not inferior in usefulness to sea fish, especially since now is the season for catching it.

How to deliciously bake river fish

A few rules for preparing river fish for baking

River and lake fish often have a slight smell and taste of mud, which makes many people prefer their marine counterparts. In addition, almost all representatives of fresh water bodies are quite bony, with the exception of catfish. Nevertheless, with fairly simple techniques, you can completely get rid of the smell, and by baking make it so that the bones will not interfere with the taste of the great taste at all.

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How to determine the freshness of fish

Очистить речную рыбу от чешуи можно несколькими способами:

  • предварительно натереть крупной солью, дать постоять минут десять и потом снять чешую ножом против ее роста;
  • dip the fish in boiling water for a few seconds;
  • moisten the fish for 2-3 minutes with water diluted in half with vinegar, then rinse and peel;
  • Small scales after such manipulations can be removed with a regular grater, moving it from the tail to the head.

Next, the fish must be gutted and be sure to completely remove the gills - they are the ones that give the smell of mud and some bitterness to the meat.
Next, rinse the fish well, and if it was caught in reservoirs with stagnant water, rinse with water and vinegar, and the head several times.
Многие интересуют, обязательно ли удалять глаза. Совершенно нет!
В большинстве ресторанов свежую рыбу готовят с глазами.
By the way, they can determine the readiness of the meat - when the eyes are completely white, the fish is ready.

Далее рекомендуемся замариновать на 10-15 минут. Как правило, маринад выбирается в зависимости от рецепта для запекания.

Carp or carp baked with herbs

  • Очищенного крупного карпа (или нескольких поменьше) слегка посолить внутри морской солью.
  • Пучок укропа мелко порубить и смешать с 100 граммами размягченного сливочного масла.
  • Начинить смесью рыбу и обмазать ее сверху.
  • Выложить на смазанный растительным маслом противень, еще посыпать морской солью.
  • Запекать 20 минут при температуре 180 градусов.
  • Serve on a bed of greens (lettuce, dill, boiled spinach, leeks).
  • As a side dish - new potatoes with butter and dill and... Small kumquat tangerines cut in half – fantastic look and taste.

Delight yourself and your guests.

How to deliciously bake river fish

Trout baked in almond crumbs

  • For one serving - 1 trout,
  • half a tablespoon of sea salt,
  • 30 grams of almond crumbs,
  • a tablespoon of vegetable oil (preferably olive),
  • a little flour and 1 egg.

Peel the trout, rinse, rub with sea salt, roll in flour, dip in a well-beaten egg, then in almond crumbs. Place on a greased baking sheet and bake for no more than 10 minutes to form a golden crust.
The ideal side dish is boiled vegetables (broccoli, leeks, small carrots and potatoes) with butter and sprinkled with sesame seeds.

Delicious baked fish with tomatoes and onions

Any river fish baked in foil

For this luxurious dish, which will decorate any festive table, you need to take the largest fish.

  • Clean
  • rinse
  • rub with sea salt.

Stuff the abdomen with thinly sliced and salted rings of sweet onions, place a small bay leaf in it so that it does not come into direct contact with the meat. Coat the fish with garlic porridge, put on foil greased with vegetable oil. On the upper side, make notches every 2-3 cm, in which put lemon slices, as well as under the lids of the gills. Cover the fish with foil and leave to marinate for 15-20 minutes. Then bake for 25-30 minutes at 180 degrees, check readiness by piercing with a skewer. Serve directly in foil on a wooden board or large platter. Surround with fresh vegetables.

VIDEO RECIPE: Baked red fish + avocado salad