How to eliminate body poisoning during a cold

How to eliminate body poisoning during a cold

Any viral disease causes unpleasant sensations and symptoms: runny nose, cough, chills, headache and fever. Such a reaction occurs as a result of poisoning the body with harmful substances that produce pathogenic microbes and bacteria.

Poisoning of the body during a cold

The appearance of intoxication, or self-poisoning, can be influenced by both internal and external factors. Internal poisoning involves the production of toxins by the body that are not eliminated in time. With a cold, this can be caused by toxic substances that are produced by pathogens.

The impact of intoxication on the human body

The immune system always fights pathogens. As a result, destroyed particles of cells that protect the body, as well as viruses or bacteria, appear in the body. Any virus that enters the body spreads very quickly, entering the bloodstream. It affects the central nervous system, its vessels, as well as brain cells. Impaired blood circulation leads to an exacerbation of the disease.

Poisoning of the body during a cold

Intoxication is accompanied by poor sleep, headache, as well as aching joints and muscle pain. The manifestation of symptoms depends on the type of pathogenic microbes. It is also affected by the temperature reaction of the body. As soon as it drops to normal limits, the symptoms decrease. With influenza, the manifestation of poisoning begins in the first hours. Pain and aches in the joints, muscles all over the body, malaise, as well as chills - all this is a reaction to the flu virus. There are cases of single vomiting and intestinal disorders.

Parainfluenza is characterized by a moderate intoxication syndrome. The appearance of rhinovirus infections is evidenced by: a slight increase in body temperature, chills, muscle pain and malaise. With any virus, the duration of the poisoning period is three days. If the symptoms do not disappear within five days, you should consult a doctor.

Какие меры нужно принять во время интоксикации

Прежде всего, необходимо вывести токсины из организма. Для этого рекомендуется пить много жидкости. Обильное питье способствует не только выведению вредных веществ, но и восстанавливает водный баланс организма. Можно пить соки, морсы, напиток из шиповника, а также негазированную минеральную воду. Соблюдение диеты также эффективно в такой ситуации. Освободите желудок от жаренного, острого и жирного рациона. Употребление сорбентов способствует освобождению организма от токсинов. Но их можно применять только после консультации врача.