Flowers are appropriate for any holiday. They accompany the joyful and sad events of our lives. We order them or find beautiful blooming gifts under the door, because in the capitals or big cities, flower delivery is quite common if you decide to use the service flower delivery in Odessa, we recommend you the website "Artichoke", always fresh flowers and punctual delivery. Even when the holiday is over, we look at the bouquet and involuntarily remember those beautiful moments, so we want to preserve their beauty and freshness.
In this article, you will learn how to properly care for and save bouquets of fresh flowers.
1. How to choose a place for a bouquet?
Daily care for it
Наиболее удобно для цветов в вазе будет разместить их в прохладном месте с хорошим естественным освещением, но избегайте прямого попадания света на букет. Не допускайте сквозняков.
Постарайтесь каждый день осматривать букет:
- Выньте цветы из вазы, уберите опавшие листья, промойте емкость;
- Удалите гниющие части растений, нижние листья;
- Change the water and put the bouquet back there.
With such simple daily actions, you will help flowers a lot.
2.Ensure a normal supply of moisture to plants
First of all, you need to make sure that air locks do not form in the vessels of the peduncle. When cutting off the stem, air forcefully breaks into its vessels and prevents moisture from entering, so in any case, cut the tips of the peduncles again (preferably under water), and then dip the flowers in warm water. This will renew the normal absorption of moisture by the plant. Важно! Делайте срезы под углом 45°.
Естественно, что у разных типов цветов этот процесс немного отличается:
- Для сирени, хризантем (растений с одеревенелым стеблем) кончики расщепляют на 5-7см или слегка разбивают молотком, перед тем как класть их в воду.
- Растения, которые выделяют млечный сок (например, маки), нужно на 3-4 секунды осторожно опустить в кипяток или слегка опалить кончики, поскольку сок застигает и закупоривает сосуды.
- For roses, it is important not only to renew the cut, but also to split it crosswise.
- White lilies or flowers that have a lot of stamens and pollen need to either shake off pollen or pluck out stamens to continue life.
3. Solutions that prolong the life of flowers
Special solutions that are easy to prepare at home also help plants:
- Tulips and daffodils A six-percent solution of sucrose or glucose is needed.
- Dahlias They stand in a bouquet for up to 10 days. To prolong the lines, it is recommended to add an aspirin tablet and a few drops of ammonia to the water.
- Roses Half a tablet of aspirin will help.
- Carnations You will need a sugar cube and 1/3 aspirin.
- Tulips It is important to sweeten the water a little.
- Gerberam A few drops of alcohol and 2 tsp. sugar per liter of water will not hurt.
- Phloxam, наоборот, воду нужно подсолить.
4. Color combinations
It's hard to believe, but even the neighborhood of some plants and fruits affects the lifespan of flowers. For example, carnations and snapdragons wither in the vicinity of ripe apples; lilies of the valley reduce the durability of violets; Roses, carnations and lilies in a bouquet with other flowers live much less than those collected separately.
Nevertheless, there are combinations that have a positive effect on the bouquet: a few sprigs of jasmine continue the life of lilies of the valley and make them more fragrant, and a cypress branch has the same effect on tulips.
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