How to make a winter hand mask

How to make a winter hand mask

Многие хорошие маски для рук для женщины спасительны в холодный осенний и зимний период. Они помогут справиться с сухостью кожи, которая практически всегда сопровождает эти времена года. Единственный минус таких масок достаточно высокая цена. Но выход есть – маски для рук, которые любой человек может сделать сам, не выходя из дома. На них уходит совсем немного времени и средств, но результат будет не хуже. Рассмотрим самые эффективные и недорогие варианты.

How to make a winter hand mask

Маска для рук из картофеля

In order to prepare hand masks from potatoes, you need to grind boiled potatoes into a homogeneous puree with the addition of warm milk. Let stand for a while and apply the finished mixture for 20-30 minutes on the delicate skin of the hands. After the end of the procedure, it is advisable to remove the remnants of the mask with cooled green tea and just cool water.

Aloe hand mask

In another way, this plant is habitually called centennial, because it has many useful properties.

This mask is perfect for moisturizing the skin of the hands. Before using it, grind a few centennial leaves in a blender and mix them with half a banana. Apply again to your hands for 30-35 minutes, rinsing after application with running hot water.

Carrot hand mask

Carrots also have a large number of useful vitamins and minerals. Due to this, this sweet vegetable has various applications. This homemade mask is also suitable for moisturizing the skin. To prepare it, you need to combine one mature banana crushed to a puree-like consistency and two or three dessert or two tablespoons of finely grated carrots in a deep glass plate. Add a teaspoon of softened butter mixed with one tablespoon of liquid honey. If this is not at hand, then you can also take candied honey, after steaming it in a water bath. Mix until smooth and apply a thin, even layer to your hands. The time can vary from 20 to 50 minutes. After the procedure, rinse with ordinary warm water.

Egg hand mask

Не меньшей популярностью пользуется яичная маска. Для её приготовления нужно смешать до получения однородной пастообразной массы один желток куриного яйца с двумя столовыми ложками хорошего подсолнечного или оливкового масла и с одной столовой ложкой жидкого мёда. Наносить получившуюся маску на кожу рук на 30 – 35 минут, после чего смыть ее прохладной водой или настоем ромашки.

Hand mask made of sour cream

Take three tablespoons of the fattiest, or better - homemade sour cream and combine them with one tablespoon of honey. Apply as described above for 15 to 20 minutes. After use, rinse with water and wipe the skin with fresh aloe juice.

Cottage cheese hand mask

The recipe for this mask is quite simple. Take two tablespoons of fatty cottage cheese and 3 tablespoons of fresh cow's milk. Stir until smooth, adding a little olive oil at the end. Then cover the mask with cling film and let it brew for 15-20 minutes. Apply the finished mask to your hands in a thin layer for about an hour, then wash off with rosehip infusion.

Olive Oil Hand Mask

And finally, the last, but not the most effective, mask is olive. Mix half a glass of olive oil with thirty drops of tea tree oil. Apply to the skin as described above. This mask does not need to be washed off. It will be almost completely absorbed into the skin of the hands, after which it will become smooth and very pleasant to the touch.