How to cook pork meat. 3 recipes (steaks, neck, baked meat)

How to cook pork meat. 3 recipes (steaks, neck, baked meat)

From the soft neck part with layers of fat, you can cook a roast, grill meat or stew. The recipes below on how to cook pork meat are not very difficult, but the result of these recipes will be a delicious dish of juicy, fragrant meat, which is not ashamed to serve both on the festive table and on weekdays.

Recipe No 1.

Pork steaks with fruit.

What you need to take for cooking.
6 steaks, soy sauce, one tsp sugar, one tsp plums. oil, vegetable oil, cinnamon, a few apricots and plums.

How to prepare.
Beat the meat lightly first, then pour soy sauce over it and leave to marinate for about 10-15 minutes. In the meantime, wash the fruit well, cut into halves, remove the seeds. In very hot oil, fry the chops on one side. Sprinkle with sugar, then flip and fry for an additional 30 seconds. After the procedures, pour the sauce left over from the marinade into the pan, reduce the heat and simmer the meat for 5 minutes. When finished, add another spoonful of butter and fruit, sprinkle with cinnamon, add half a glass of water and simmer for another 7-8 minutes. At the end of cooking, the meat can be seasoned with pepper. Rice and vegetable salad of tomatoes, bell peppers and herbs are well suited as a side dish for steaks.

Baked meat in honey glaze

Рецепт № 2.

Pork neck baked in the oven.

Что необходимо для процесса приготовления.
1 кг свинины (без костей), 800 г шампиньонов, два красных болгарских перца, три средних луковицы, 400 мл сливок, приправа для гриля, майоран, растительное масло.

How to prepare.
Мясо нарежьте средними брусочками толщиной 1 см, грибы – пластинками, перец – полосками, а лук нашинкуйте кольцами. Поджарьте свинину на разогретом масле до румяной корочки, посыпьте приправой для гриля. Затем мясо выньте и на этом же жире поджарьте отдельно грибы и отдельно лук с перцем. Овощи посолите, поперчите и добавьте немного майорана. Форму для запекания наполните частью шампиньонов, выложите сверху мясо, затем лук с перцем и снова грибы. Сливки приправьте солью, перцем, приправой для гриля и вылейте в форму. Поставьте ее в разогретую до температуры 180°С духовку на 40-45 минут. Подавайте к столу с пикантным салатом из соленых огурцов с луком, заправленным оливковым маслом.

Pork neck baked in the oven

Recipe No 3.

Baked meat in honey glaze.

What should be taken for cooking.
one and a half kilograms of pork pulp, one tbsp. mustard, one tbsp. honey, two tbsp. spicy ketchup, a couple of cloves of garlic, olive oil, salt, clove seeds.

How to prepare.
First, prepare the glaze: mix honey with mustard, ketchup and finely chopped garlic, add salt and, stirring constantly, pour in olive oil (1 tbsp). You should get a homogeneous mass in consistency like sour cream. Place the icing in a cool place to infuse. Stuff the pork all over with cloves, coat with honey glaze and leave to marinate overnight. The next day, bake the meat in the oven at 200 ° C for 15 minutes, then reduce the heat to 180 ° C and bake for another 45-50 minutes. During the roasting process, sprinkle the meat with hot water. Serve the finished pork with a green salad.

Baked meat in honey glaze