Cold tomato soup with cucumber and chili

Cold tomato soup with cucumber and chili

What is useful - cold tomato soup with cucumber and chili

The redder the tomato, the more lycopene it contains. In addition, tomatoes are an excellent source of folic acid, vitamin C and potassium.
Cucumber juice is traditionally used as a sedative for cystitis and, according to some reports, helps fight intestinal parasites such as worms. Cucumber is a good source of silicon, a mineral that helps strengthen bones.

When using ready-made tomato juice, pay attention to the salt content in it. The red color gives tomatoes the pigment lycopene, known for its antioxidant properties. Large-scale studies confirm that those who consume large amounts of lycopene-rich foods have a lower risk of developing prostate, cervical, skin, bladder, breast, lung, and digestive tract cancers.

The recipe for stuffed tomatoes is designed for two persons. NScold tomato soup

Serves 4
• 1 liter of tomato juice
• 2 large tomatoes, peeled and diced*
• 1 cucumber
• 1 bell pepper of red, yellow or orange color
• 1 chopped head of baby onion
• 4 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
• 1 teaspoon of capers
• 1 clove of garlic, crushed
• A few drops of Tabasco sauce
• Ice cubes

To peel tomatoes, keep them in hot water for a couple of minutes, then dry and rinse with cold water. Using a sharp knife, remove the skin, which should come apart easily.
Cut the cucumber in half and cut one half into small cubes. Cut the other half into large pieces and place in a blender. After removing the petiole and seeds, do the same with sweet peppers.

Добавьте в блендер томатный сок, толченый чеснок, оливковое масло, молодой лук, каперсы, соус табаско и смешайте до получения однородной массы. Перелейте смесь в миску и добавьте нарубленные томаты вместе с соком. Закройте миску крышкой и остудите в холодильнике. Непосредственно перед подачей перемешайте еще раз и добавьте кубики льда. Нарезанные огурец и перец подайте отдельно, чтобы их можно было положить в суп ложкой. Если хотите добавить немного соли, сначала попробуйте и при необходимости посолите в последнюю минуту.