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Urological surgeon David Kakiashvili (RAMBAM Hospital, Haifa). Haifa
Dr. David M. Kakiashvili is the Director of Robotic Surgery, Director of Urology Service, and Deputy Director of Urology at the Rambam Medical Center in Haifa.His clinical practice focuses on the management of complex urological malignancies using advanced minimally invasive technologies.
Доктор Какиашвили закончил учебу в Медицинском университете Джорджии и прошел обучение в качестве уролога в Медицинском центре Рамбам. Он закончил базовый исследовательский год в Медицинском колледже Бейлора в Хьюстоне, а затем был обучен как уроронколог и хирург по минимально инвазивным методам в Университете Торонто, Он сертифицирован американскими, канадскими и израильскими обществами как оронолог и имеет международный сертификат в области роботизированной хирургии.
Dr. Kakiashvili is one of the few urologists in Israel trained in uro-oncology and robotic surgery. Dr. Kakaashvili performs total prostatectomy using robotic laparoscopy and nerve preservation, partial renal resection of the kidneys and adrenal glands.Dr. Kakiashvili also performs total removal of the bladder with urinary incontinence and the creation of an alternative bladder, performing nerve sparing surgeries for retrotrion lymph nodes for metastatic testicular cancer.
Dr. Kakaashvili's research interests focus on uronology and the evaluation of new surgical technologies, and he has published several professional publications in the field of cancer research.
Dr. Kakiashvili is a robotics instructor and is invited to lecture and perform robotic surgeries at international conferences, and in 2012 he was elected "Person of the Year in Medicine" by Haifa Radio, speaking Hebrew, English, Russian, and Georgian