▷ Hours of work, Language - Surgeon-otolaryngologist Prof. Michael Wyman (Bat-Yam). HaSar Shapira 33, Bat Yam

▷ Hours of work, Language - Surgeon-otolaryngologist Prof. Michael Wyman (Bat-Yam). HaSar Shapira 33, Bat Yam

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Surgeon-otolaryngologist Prof. Michael Wyman (Bath-Yam). HaSar Shapira 33, Bat Yam


Bat Yam, HaSar Shapira 33

Professor M. Wyman, practicing otolaryngologist and specialist in head and neck surgery.Professor Wyman is one of those doctors who have contributed to making the Israeli medical system one of the best in the world.Professor Wyman, beingwho have contributed to making the Israeli medical system one of the best in the world.100 scientific publications, is, first of all, an actively practicing surgeon.

In his clinic, the professor conducts very complex diagnostic procedures and performs operations in modern equipped operating rooms, using, in particular, his unique methods.Patients come to Michael Wyman from all over the world.The professor personally performs all operations with the help of experienced and highly qualified personnel.

Professor Wyman is a top-level specialist with over 30 years of experience in diagnostic testing, therapy and surgical treatment of all pathologies of the ear, throat, nose and neck, including cancer.including cancer.the professor has successfully performed more than 15,000 operations.The professor helps patients with various head and neck tumors, paranasal sinus diseases and other ENT problems, as well as people suffering from drug-resistant epilepsy.Many patients come to Professor Wyman for treatment from all over the world.Medical records may be in English or Hebrew.

Professor Wyman is an active member of many professional associations and societies, including the American Rhinological Society, the American Society of Head and Neck Surgery, the Israel Society of Head and Neck Surgery, the European Society for Endoscopic Cervical and Neck Surgery, and an active participant in international scientific conferences and workshops.Thanks to the constant exchange of experience with his colleagues in Israel and other countries, the professor remains aware of all new methods and trends in ENT treatment and uses the most effective ones in his medical practice.

Professor Wyman, in addition to holding a private practice in his clinic, works as a senior surgeon in the Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery at the Assaf Harofeh Medical Center in Zerifin, Israel.Michael Wyman is also a lecturer in the Faculty of Medicine at Tel Aviv University and an active researcher.In recognition of his outstanding research work, Professor Wyman was awarded the title of "International Scientist of the Year"(Cambridge, 2002),"Golden Heart" of the Red Cross (Sofia, Bulgaria, 2005), elected as a reviewer for a number of American and international medical journals, as well as a consultant for clinical studies of the Israeli Ministry of Health.

As a result of one of his studies, the professor developed a new technique for nasal and sinus surgeons.Michael Wyman was the first to use an aerosol-type biological adhesive as an anti-hemorrhagic agent.Michael Wyman was the first to use an aerosol-type biological adhesive as an anti-hemorrhagic agent.Michael Wyman was the first to use an aerosol-type biological adhesive as an anti-hemorrhagic agent..This method eliminates the need for nasal packing, which interferes with normal breathing and causes significant discomfort, and allows patients to be discharged from the hospital immediately after surgery.

Minimum pain and maximum effect is a postulate that Professor Wyman considers a key principle of his professional life, and thousands of his patients will confirm this.