Grapefruit instead of aspirin is an effective remedy for strokes and heart attacks
It is important to know that blood clotting can change throughout a person's life. It depends on the condition of the person. Therefore, this process must be monitored all the time. Bleeding stops within four minutes, and the formation of a blood clot occurs in 5-10 minutes and this is normal. Low clotting can lead to large blood losses, even with the simplest injuries. Venous thrombosis is a common problem that occurs in 70% of the population of Russia. Over 100 thousand people die from this every year.
This process is quite difficult to explain. Blood clotting factors are responsible for the formation of blood clots. As doctor Irina Gerasimova explained: Some factors are in blood plasma, and others are in platelets. In a normal human condition, they are not active. When blood vessels are damaged or pathologies appear, the factors enter the active phase and begin to work. Any stress with the production of adrenaline is also the cause of the active action of the human coagulation system. This is due to the fact that any shock is perceived as a risk to life, for example, an injury.
Такие нарушения в системе свёртывания приводят к серьёзным болезням – инфарктам и инсультам. Поэтому все те, кто находится в такой зоне риска – появления тромбоза, обязательно должны быть под постоянным наблюдением врача. Они регулярно сдают кровь на анализ свёртываемости, а также принимают специальные препараты для её разжижения. Кстати, всё это имеет положительный результат и снижает риск возникновения сердечнососудистых заболеваний на 65%.
To determine blood clotting, an INR test is performed. If the test results show that the range is lower than recommended, then the person has an increased tendency to thrombosis. As a result, this can lead to an ischemic stroke. An increased indicator indicates the risk of hemorrhagic stroke and severe bleeding.
Since the blood is thicker in the morning, the risk of blood clots at this time of day increases. It is not for nothing that doctors recommend taking thinning drugs in the morning. Amazing and tasty, grapefruit has beneficial properties and contains natural aspirin. Daily consumption of a quarter of the fruit has a beneficial effect on the body.
Interesting fact
Scientists at the Brooklyn Laboratory are developing VetiGel gel. It is able to stop the blood within 20 seconds. However, for the time being, this medicine will be intended for animals, and in the future, perhaps, for humans.