Where to buy medical clothes?

Where to buy medical clothes?

A modern uniform for a medical worker is an integral and popular attribute in his work. It should not only be practical and convenient, but also as comfortable as possible. We are used to the traditional white shape, but fortunately, designers have developed a number of practical and beautiful models.

Medical Clothing

Medical clothing must be worn not only by medical workers, but also by those who may be in a potentially dangerous place for health. The clothing of medical personnel should be functional and durable.

The main practical and hygienic qualities include:

  1. resistance to scuffs, fabric abrasion;
    be hygienic, i.e. clothing must have high durability for daily use,
  2. wash well, and at the same time not lose its shape and color;
    одежда должна быть пошита с не аллергенного материала, хорошо пропускать воздух;
  3. ткань должна быть не маркой;
  4. одежда не должна сковывать движения врача;
    иметь высокую функциональность.
  5. Often, medical clothing is complemented by pockets, which allows the doctor to always have his basic tools, pen and notebook at hand.

Types of medical clothing

Медицинская одежда бывает разная и зависит от специфики работы доктора. К основным видам одежды можно отнести наиболее часто используемые вещи.

– Protective masks or goggles. It is used to protect the eyes, in case of involuntary and unexpected spraying of medicines, various medical solutions.

– Laboratory clothes. This type of clothing is intended for the category of doctors who are not involved in a potentially dangerous area of work. This type is able to provide a minimum level of protection.

- Masks and gloves. Masks are a necessary measure of protection against inhalation of vapors of harmful chemical solutions. Additional protection is provided by special elastic inserts on the sides of the product. Gloves are an indispensable thing in working with solutions, when examining a patient, in carrying out various surgical interventions. This type perfectly protects against various infections and is single-use.

– Surgical gowns. This model is highly durable and has a clasp on the back. After using it, as a rule, it is necessary to clean or throw away the product, in order to avoid infection and the spread of infection.

Most medical clothing manufacturers use high-quality materials.

Any series of high-quality medical clothing should be:

  • aimed at the safety of the doctor;
  • иметь водоотталкивающий эффект;
  • быть из легкого и комфортного материала;

You can buy medical clothing in specialized medical equipment stores or in an online store http://www.lechikrasivo.ru/. As a rule, after seeking advice, specialists identify the need and select the best clothes for your staff.