Наборы ИНАТ-7, ИНАТ-минимум и ТОТАЛ-9 разработаны НИИ атеросклероза РАЕН и производятся компанией ИНАТ-Фарма. Наборы ИНАТ-7 и ИНАТ-минимум не различаются по составу действующих ингредиентов. В набор ТОТАЛ-9 добавлены дополнительные препараты, способствующие снижению содержания жира в организме. Каждый препарат, входящий в любой из наборов, разработан НИИ атеросклероза РАЕН. Все препараты выпускаются одной фирмой. В этой связи абсурдно предполагать, что какой-то из наборов подделка другого.
Clinical studies that have shown the effectiveness of the INAT minimum set of drugs have shown that after stopping the drugs, weight and body fat do not recover. Further weight loss is often observed after discontinuation of the INAT minimum. This is usually the case when, after achieving weight loss, the consumer switches to a more active lifestyle, for example, begins to regularly swim in the pool or jog, etc. It can be difficult for a heavy person to change their habits abruptly and start moving more.
Weight reduction by 3-4 kg makes the task easier. Often, even moderate weight loss causes a natural need to engage in physical training. The recommendations of experts are as follows. Take the INAT-minimum drugs in strict accordance with the instructions for 4-6 months. This will allow you to lose weight by at least 4-5 kg. Having achieved this result, cancel the intake of the INAT minimum and start regularly visiting the pool, gym, moderately reduce the calorie content of your diet.
Monitor your weight regularly. You will be pleased that the weight is reduced even after the withdrawal of drugs. When you reach the minimum level, your weight will be stable for a long time. Lifestyle changes, such as seasonal changes, can lead to weight gain.
If this trend persists for more than 1-2 months, resume taking INAT minimum. After 3-4 months, when you reach a new low level of your weight, try to give up the drugs again, but introduce additional physical activity, or moderately limit the calorie intake. Do not forget that without harming health, weight can be reduced only by 8-10% per year. In no case should you strive for a sharper weight loss! Patience and self-discipline are the key to your success.