Do-it-yourself children's pendants.
In modern children's stores, there is a huge selection of toys for every taste and color for both babies and older children. But sometimes you want to please the child not with a store-bought toy, but with love made with your own hands.
For example, you can make such funny soft pendants in the shape of cats yourself, even without much experience with textile materials.
Для этого Вам понадобится хлопчатобумажная ткань, размером около 35 см * 17 см. Желательно использовать ткани из натуральных материалов, приобрести которые, к примеру, можно в магазинах, продающих товары для пэчворка. Достаточно часто в подобных магазинах проходят распродажи оставшихся кусочков ткани, среди которых не сложно подобрать лоскутки подходящего размера и забавной расцветки.
To decorate cats, beads, braid and ribbons of various colors, beads and buttons of different shapes and sizes are suitable. In search of buttons of unusual shapes and colors, also look at the range of patchwork products.
As a filler for such toys, an ordinary synthetic winterizer is perfect. It is better to immediately purchase ready-made polyester balls, used, for example, for stuffing pillows. But if there are none, use a regular piece of lining polyester.
Initially, draw the pattern of the cat on a sheet of paper. This template should subsequently be transferred to a flap of fabric folded in half with the front side inward, adding seam allowances. For more convenience, attach the template to the fabric with pins. Cotton fabric does not crumble, it is very convenient to work with, and the edges do not have to be treated with a serger.
Вырезанные детали можно соединить вместе машинной строчкой, а можно и вручную. В любом случае, не забудьте оставить небольшое отверстие размером 2 – 3 см, необходимое для набивки подвески наполнителем.
После соединения частей, котика выверните на лицевую сторону и наполните шариками из синтепона. Для равномерного размещения наполнителя удобно использовать обычный карандаш.
Make the eyes and nose of the cat from beads. You can also use small beads, but remember that such small parts must be firmly and securely sewn on, since the pendant will fall into the hands of a small child. The design of the cat is a free flight of your imagination: you can sew buttons, colored ribbons, decorative braid.
In the same way, you can make toys and pendants of any other shape. For example, Velcro bathroom toys are suitable as templates.