Effective exercises for slimming the abdomen and sides

Effective exercises for slimming the abdomen and sides

Телевизор давно стал любимым развлечением не только у взрослых, но и у детей. В последнее время дети даже предпочитают телепрограммы игре с друзьями, чтению книг. Исследования показали, что дети 10-12 лет в большинстве проводят у телевизора до 5 часов в день, а дошкольники – около 2-3. Но чаще всего маленькие зрители не ограничиваются просмотром детских программ, а смотрят и предназначенные для взрослых. Как это влияет на детскую психику?

Реальность или иллюзия?

Modern films and TV shows are oversaturated with scenes of fights and murders. In the news programs, they constantly talk about wars, terrorism, criminal events. It has been proven that children in front of the TV increase aggression, frequent viewing of scenes of violence on television. Moreover, this does not manifest itself immediately and not so obviously. Such scenes change the immature psyche and distort the perception of real life. Children and adolescents do not yet have a clear understanding of how cruel acts are difficult for specific people. They perceive both scenes of violence and erotic scenes as entertainment.

Дети у телевизора
Eventually, the child may develop a fear of reality, lose interest in such an unfair life, or vice versa – seek even stronger sensations. Modern action movies cause the illusion that everything around is very dangerous, there are many killers around, that he is constantly threatened by something, there is a feeling of insecurity. On the other hand, it seems that the human body can withstand numerous blows, acts of violence in any form. A child in front of the TV cannot be aware of the true consequences of certain cruel actions. In addition, there is a feeling of distrust of others and it seems that no one, even relatives, can be relied upon.

The consequences of all this may not appear immediately, but many years later. Under the influence of such childhood impressions, the child will build his own image of the evil world around him, threatening him, and as a result, it is necessary to learn to defend himself. Usually, an attack is chosen as a warning defense. Hence the increasingly spreading aggressiveness in life.

Скажи, малыш, кто твой герой?

One of the most terrible dangers of television violence is its inadequacy to real life. Most of the characters in the movies are not punished for their crimes. On the contrary, there is a certain glorification of thieves, murderers, rapists. And easily, such false heroes become idols of immature souls, which automatically makes you want to be just as "cool", to follow his example. Children have the false impression that it is better to regulate relationships with others than violence.

Дети у телевизора

This situation is especially dangerous in families where parents often and indiscriminately watch TV programs and in homes where the TV is constantly working, although no one seems to be watching it. To exclude undesirable influence, it is necessary not only to limit the time of watching TV, but also to control what programs the child watches.