What are the benefits of dried apricots?

What are the benefits of dried apricots?

Dried apricots

The apricot, which later becomes dried apricots, is a fruit that grows in the south. In ancient times, many nomadic tribes, while on the move, used products that could be carried without fear that they would spoil and in addition take up little space. After trying many options, it turned out that dried fruits are able to meet all these requirements. Dried apricots occupied one of the main places among them. What is it? Dried apricots are dried ripe apricot fruits. This fruit has many varieties, but only fruits with a large diameter (at least 3-4 cm) are used for the preparation of dried apricots. The pit in such apricots is quite easy to separate from the fruit. Small apricots can be dried along with the seed. Such a product is called apricots. Many manufacturers use treatment with various chemicals to prepare dried apricots to give it a better presentation, however, it will only turn out to be real when dried in natural conditions. Varieties of dried apricots brought from the countries of Central Asia (Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan) are considered the best.

Composition of dried apricots

Dried apricots, along with other dried fruits, contain a fairly large amount of vitamins and trace elements. These include vitamins A, PP, C, vitamins of group B. When dried, the main vitamins present in raw apricots evaporate, but in terms of the content of salts and minerals, dried apricots are in the first place. It also contains potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, pectins and phosphorus.

Useful properties of dried apricots

Пектины и органические кислоты, входящие в состав кураги, помогают вывести из организма тяжелые металлы, радионуклиды и другие вредные вещества, которые образуются в кишечнике и печени. Довольно часто врачи прописывают прием кураги для укрепления сердечнососудистой системы. Это происходит за счет наличия в ней минералов и витаминов, необходимых для сердца. Витамин А помогает сохранить зрение. Регулярное употребление кураги в пищу позволит избежать заболеваний анемией, малокровием и гипертонией, а также снизить риск образования тромбоза кровеносных сосудов.

Dried apricots are irreplaceable people suffering from kidneys, thyroid diseases and diabetes mellitus. It contains a large amount of fiber, which has a beneficial effect on intestinal function. The daily use of dried apricots in food will reduce the amount of drugs and chemicals.

Dried apricots are a nutritious product, содержащий большое количество минералов, поэтому ее нужно употреблять в разумных количествах. Ее необходимо съедать не более 50-70 грамм в день, при этом совмещая курагу с орехами, черносливом, и медом. Подобный состав полезен для людей с заболеваниями сердца, или перенесшим инфаркт. Курага сочетается со многими продуктами, поэтому ее применение достаточно широко.