▷ Here you will find complete information: opening hours, phone number for orders, address of a restaurant, cafe, pizzeria, bar and celebration hall in Israel.
Биг Эпл Пицца (BIG APPLE PIZZA) Иерусалим, Lunz
Contacts for orders:
Иерусалим, Lunz 3
Restaurant-pizzeria Big Apple pizza in Jerusalem
Opening hours:
Воскресенье – Четверг с 10-30 до 00-00
Пятница с 10-30 до 15-30
Saturday half an hour after the end of Shabbat until 1:00
The Big Apple Pizza chain began its history in 1986, when Haim Kedem returned to Jerusalem after many years of living in New York and wanted to create an establishment that would capture the spirit of New York. Now the chain has 10 restaurants in Jerusalem and Eilat.