Infertility – a death sentence or not?

Infertility – a death sentence or not?

Are you dreaming of a child, but the desired pregnancy does not occur? Contacting a specialized medical institution dealing with the problem of infertility will help solve this problem.

If pregnancy does not occur with regular sexual activity for a year or more without the use of means to prevent conception, then the marriage is considered infertile. This situation occurs in about 20% of families.

When contacting the clinic, the spouses are prescribed an examination aimed at identifying the causes of infertility. The problem can be hidden in both a woman and a man, so both must undergo an examination. Having identified the cause, doctors will offer a way to eliminate it. For example, if adhesions are detected on the fallopian tubes that prevent conception, surgical restoration of tubal patency is possible, and a decrease in the number or activity of spermatozoa can be compensated by a man undergoing a special treatment course.

But even in the case when the cause of infertility itself cannot be eliminated, the possibility of conception remains thanks to modern methods, including:
– стимуляция яичников, помогающая в случае нарушения или отсутствия овуляции;
– artificial insemination, used in case of insufficient number of spermatozoa, their reduced activity, sexual weakness in a man, allergic reaction of the woman's body to sperm components and in some other cases;
– метод ЭКО, представляющий собой извлечение созревшей яйцеклетки, ее искусственное оплодотворение и внесение в полость матки;
– ICSI method – artificial insemination with improved sperm;
– sperm donation;
– use of a donor egg (oocyte donation);
– surrogacy, in which IVF is one of the stages.
Although it is impossible to give a hundred percent guarantee of success, many men and women became parents thanks to the help of modern medicine.

Pregnancy test.

The fastest, painless, cheapest and most convenient way is a pregnancy test, which can be bought at any pharmacy. The probability is high, the test is practically not mistaken.

How does the test work?

Если вы обратитесь в медицинский кабинет для того, чтобы определить наличие беременности, то вам необходимо будет сдать кровь из вены на анализ для определения ХГЧ. Гораздо проще сделать тест в домашних условиях, когда необходимо лишь опустить полоску согласно указанным стрелочкам в мочу, и подождать секунд пять – десять. Моча подойдет любая, но лучше утренняя. Тест реагирует на особый гормон беременности, который сразу же, в первые недели, обнаруживается в моче. Если гормона нет, то тест отрицательный.

Infertility in a woman.

Perhaps there is no deeper unhappiness than the inability to have children. A person lives in order to leave behind offspring, to pass on knowledge and skills to them in order to have helpers and support in old age. However, you can't get away from nature, and if a woman has infertility, then it is extremely difficult to cure it. Of course, female infertility has many more causes than male infertility. After all, a woman not only has organs for the creation of a germ cell, but also organs for pregnancy, gestation, fetal development, and childbirth.

Causes of infertility.

По мнению специалистов, у женщин тоже есть три основные причины бесплодия. Это проблемы с созреванием яйцеклетки, непроходимость маточных труб и эндометриоз – это когда слизистая матки, ее лоскутки, разрастаются и прирастают к нижней части брюшной полости. Мужское бесплодие, чаще всего, является следствием плохого качества спермы.
Although it has not been established exactly what causes the spread of the endometrium throughout the body, it is still noted that endometriosis is most common if there are problems with hormonal levels and immunity, the genitals have some features, surgical intervention in the genitourinary system was performed. In addition, the occurrence of the disease can also be influenced by heredity, as well as poor ecology.

We treat female infertility.

In order to cure infertility, it is necessary to resort to a number of procedures. A healthy lifestyle, stabilization of hormonal levels, elimination of diseases that led to infertility, as well as various surgical interventions. If you want infertility to be cured, then you must strictly follow all the recommendations of doctors, and agree to the operations that are offered to you. Eliminate obstruction, remove tumors, polyps, endometriosis, and so on. When you undergo treatment, there is a 70% chance that you will become pregnant.

We treat male infertility.

Infertility is not a disease. It would be more correct to call this a state of the body, so the symptoms of infertility are completely unclear, and they are expressed differently for everyone. The only sign by which it can be determined on your own is when your wife or partner does not get pregnant for a year, although you have not used protection.

Infertility problems are dealt with by a certain specialist - an andrologist. Both spouses need to contact him in order to be examined comprehensively.

Infertility treatment with folk methods.

• Еще знающие люди древности рекомендовали бесплодие лечить свежим соком айвы. Однако, как говорят знахари, лечение поможет только людям, у кого «чистое сердце, бескорыстная душа и светлые помыслы». Сок пить каждый вечер по столовой ложке, когда рождается новый месяц, до двух третей его цикла,
• To prevent damage from penetrating into your house, and infertility from attacking, for thousands of years, villagers have fumigated the house with smoke from the burning St. John's wort.
• When menopause occurs, and in order for it to go more smoothly and without problems, a decoction of plantain seeds is made. If you have painful periods, severe premenstrual syndrome, depression, mood swings, stress, irritability, then a decoction will help with all this. And it also eliminates inflammation in the fallopian tubes well. Take a tablespoon of seeds, brew with a glass of boiling water, boil for a few minutes, let it infuse, then strain. The decoction can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. Drink two tablespoons three times a day. Chinese ancient doctors also recommended men to use a decoction when a man suffers from infertility. If the spermatozoa are not very mobile, then Tibetan sages advise to use a decoction in the period from autumn to spring.
Quit smoking, drinking alcohol, eating harmful foods, sitting in stuffy rooms.

Ovarian stimulation procedure.

If the man, in principle, is healthy, and the woman has problems with ovulation, then the ovarian stimulation procedure is used. And the method is also used when the causes of infertility are not clarified. Sometimes there is a hormonal failure in a woman's body, since the glands responsible for the production of hormones - the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland do not work productively enough, and ovulation does not occur, since the egg does not mature. Then the doctor stimulates the ovaries, prescribing hormonal drugs to the woman. Gonadotropins - in the form of injections, tablets or vaginal suppositories - can restore ovulation naturally.

Artificial insemination.

Artificial insemination, insemination.
Artificial insemination is a mechanical method of fertilization used in clinics when a man has non-viable or sedentary sperm. Then male sperm is taken and injected directly into the woman's uterus. However, this method is quite imperfect, since it is very painful, you can get an infection, and the desired pregnancy occurs only in 5-10% of cases. Modern medicine has gone further. With the help of special equipment, male sperm is enriched, that is, all impurities and dead spermatozoa are removed from it, minerals, vitamins and nutritional proteins are added. The enriched sperm is then placed in special chambers and frozen in liquid nitrogen, maintaining its viability. After that, they wait for the woman to be ready to conceive. Then live sperm enriched with all the necessary elements is already injected into the woman's uterus, and the likelihood of conception increases significantly.
Cases of artificial insemination.