Anti-aging – pay attention to nutrition!

Anti-aging – pay attention to nutrition!

Сахара, углеводы и насыщенные жирные кислоты являются не только вредными для здоровья, они влияют на так называемое антистарение, тормозя этот процесс. Французские исследователи обнаружили прочную взаимосвязь между диетой и здоровьем человека среднего возраста.

The subject of research by French scientists.

Здоровое питание является самым безопасным
омолаживающим эффектом!

To determine the possible impact of diet on aging, French researchers double-checked data from a large British experiment and analyzed them in terms of the relationship between eating habits and the health of the subjects. The basis was a follow-up of 3,775 men and 1,575 women conducted between 1985 and 2009.

The average age of the participants was 51 years.

The Result: Poor Nutrition Prevents Decent Aging

After analyzing the information, scientists concluded that the typical Western diet, characterized by an abundance of carbohydrates, saturated fats and sugar, contributes to the appearance of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the heart and vascular system. Due to an unhealthy diet, cases of early death were common.

Even sports cannot compensate for the negative impact of poor nutrition on anti-aging, researchers say. Those who want to live longer and stay vigorous and healthy, that is, to age with dignity, should, according to the results of the study, pay attention to a healthy and balanced diet, for example, use drugs Eco Slim for Slimming with natural ingredients that gently affect the body and speed up metabolism.

Речь идет о здоровом рационе

All foods that contain a lot of sugar, saturated fats and carbohydrates have a negative effect on decent aging. In addition to sweet desserts, fried foods, soft drinks, and fatty meats, especially highly processed foods, are unhealthy. To achieve an anti-aging effect, you need to put a lot of vegetables, fresh fruits and healthy fish on your plate. In addition to the valuable vitamins and minerals that are included in fruits and vegetables, phytochemicals are particularly good at protecting against premature aging.

The so-called antioxidants in blueberries, broccoli, carrots or pomegranates, for example, neutralize free radicals in the body and protect human cells from oxidative stress, which is responsible for the aging process. Fish is an important source of omega-3 fatty acids, which support health in age.

The greatest rejuvenating effect is thus achieved through a healthy and balanced diet. Nevertheless, physical exercise can be put in second place in the list of anti-aging methods, as a valuable means of prolonging youth.