5 Cooking Tricks

5 Cooking Tricks

5 самых полезных терминов и названий в кулинарии, которых должен знать каждый!


КРЕСС-САЛАТ – a type of green salad with small leaves; It is used to make salads and decorate other dishes and cold appetizers.

KOHLRABIKOHLRABI is a type of cabbage that tastes like the stalk of white cabbage, but is juicier and tastier. It is used in soups and salads.


WOK is a classic Chinese deep frying pan with a convex bottom. Food (chicken, pork, vegetables, seafood) in such dishes is cooked very quickly - over high heat and in already hot oil. In this case, it is desirable to produce products in slices and circles of the same thickness. Oil should not be abused: no more than 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil will be required for 500 g of vegetables.


GALANTINE – холодное блюдо из курицы, измельченной (или в виде фарша) и смешанной в желе. Готовят и сервируют в прямоугольной форме. Подается в качестве закуски. Возможно варианты галантина – из свинины, телятины. В более широком смысле – фаршированная птица(курица или индейка), которую сначала начиняют, а затем уже готовую заливают желе.


ORANGE WATER – citrus infusion. In bitter oranges, bitter oranges, their aromatic zest is appreciated, which is used in many confectionery or sweet dishes in the form of powder or water. In the Middle East and North Africa, it is added to dough and various sweets.