15 ideas on how to have fun on a rainy day with your child.

15 ideas on how to have fun on a rainy day with your child.

Children are a storehouse of inexhaustible energy. A child is simply not able to do monotonous work for hours. But what should the baby do if it is pouring rain outside the window, and there is simply no opportunity to play his favorite games with friends? You can keep your child busy with an interesting activity at home, the main thing is to show your imagination and take into account the personal preferences of the child. Of course, there is also a spontaneous option, to gather all the child's friends together and arrange a real unforgettable holiday for them - Here.

Чем занять ребенка в дождливый день?

1. Пальчиковые краски. All children love to draw. Finger paints are easy to make, you just need to mix half a glass of water, a glass of flour, a teaspoon of vegetable oil and a dye, preferably food. There will be no limit to joy.

2. Pastry chef. What is childhood without sweets and pastries? The child will be satisfied if his mother allows him to help bake cookies or cake.

3. Crafts from cereals. You can do anything. For example, pasta or cereals can be attached to an animal figurine with glue. Christmas tree decorations are made using the same technology, then covered with spray paint.

4. Фигурки из теста. Из солёного теста дети с удовольствием налепят фигурки, затем запекут в духовке и раскрасят.

5. Модный показ. Наряжаться любят все, как взрослые, так и дети. А уж если мама позволит добраться до своего шкафа, маленькие модницы будут в восторге. Привлечь к игре можно и других членов семьи, и попросить выступить в качестве судей.

6. Origami. Заняться можно не только обычным оригами, но и модульным. Из разноцветных бумажных квадратиков создаются целые произведения искусства. Возможно, это занятие станет для ребёнка любимым хобби.

7. Designers. For your favorite dolls, incredible outfits are created from scraps of fabric.

8. A home for toys. С помощью обыкновенных картонных коробок можно сделать настоящий особняк для любимой игрушки.

9. Сказки. Why is a child worse than a famous storyteller? Children's imagination allows you to create unique masterpieces. It is better to write down the child's essays, suddenly he will become a writer when he grows up.

10. Conductor. The child distributes instruments (pots, buckets, bowls, spoons, etc.) to family members, then leads an orchestra of musicians.

11. Home volleyball. Между двумя стульями натягивается нитка. Надутый шарик игроки перебрасывают друг другу через «сетку». По тому же принципу можно играть в бадминтон, отбивая шарик ложкой или газетой.

12. Домик. Who of the adults in childhood did not build a shelter for himself from blankets and bedspreads? Give your child the opportunity to play this pleasant game.

13. Classics. This game can even be played in the house. It is enough to make classics on the floor or carpet with adhesive tape.

14. Questionnaire. Every child at a certain age likes to make a questionnaire for friends. Of course, you can buy a lot of ready-made notebooks in stores, but it is much more exciting to make it yourself. For decoration, you can buy stickers, sequins, beads.

15. Plaster crafts. Ready-made kits are sold in stores. After mixing the plaster, the child will make a figurine according to the stencil, then paint it.

Фантазия родителей, подкреплённая желанием принести радость ребёнку, не позволит скучать в дождливый день.